ChemSeal Asphalt Maintenance provides parking lot striping. We can design your layout or follow a blueprint drawing. We always attempt to get you the most parking spaces possible. Our paints meet Federal and state specifications. They are manufactured for high traffic use and can handle the abuse. We can adjust existing parking spaces to adhere to the ADA laws which are currently going through an enforcement crack down. We will make sure that you are in compliance of the law. Our striping capablities include all marking such as: Arrows, Stop Bars, dividing lines, handicap symbols, fire lanes, ect. We also can paint any words that you may need like: Drive Thru, Yield, Stop, One Way, Visitor, Pastor, Fuel Efficient Vehicle, Car Pool Vehicle, ect.
Parking lot striping increases the safety of pedestrians and eases vehicle traffic congestion and confusion. It's a prudent to set up a restriping schedule to maintain your parking lot.